Training & Education
Mental health providers are continuously striving to meet the demands of the ever-changing landscape of client and community need through continued training and professional development. As a university dedicated to the public good, DU offers a variety of continuing education opportunities to meet the professional development needs of our community members. We specialize in bringing content that is applicable across many helping fields, including social work, psychology, and counseling.
See the following links for upcoming Continuing Education events offered by the University of Denver for mental health care professionals:
- CEs offered through DU’s Center for Professional Development
- CEs offered through the Graduate School of Social Work
We are dedicated to training the next generation of culturally competent and scientifically sound professionals by offering innovative learning opportunities to students enrolled in DU’s graduate programs. To this end, the Collaborative is working to design an interprofessional training course for DU graduate students studying mental health. Students will be trained by a team of instructors who hold various degrees (Masters in Social Work, Ph.D. in Psychology, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, etc.) to learn how to effectively work on interdisciplinary teams and to develop an appreciation for the distinct ways in which various helping fields view mental wellness.
In line with DU’s mission to be a private university dedicated to the public good, our graduate trainees also provide consultative and clinical services to a wide variety of community organizations. Our students’ learning is enhanced through applied experiences in “real world’ settings, and the community benefits from the work of dedicated trainees and supervisors.
- Learn about how one of DU’s on-campus counseling clinics uses artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance graduate student training.
- See an interactive map that shows where in the Denver Metro area DU graduate students are training.
- Watch full length video lectures hosted in GSSW aimed at helping students and community members learn about pressing social justice and mental health topics.
- Check out scholarship from faculty in the Graduate School of Social Work and Morgridge College of Education exploring interprofessional training models: Gloria E. Miller, Jeanine Coleman & Julianne Mitchell (2018) Towards a model of interprofessional preparation to enhance partnering between educators and families, Journal of Education for Teaching, 44:3, 353-365, DOI.
For The Community
- Watch Dr. Carl Clark from the Mental Health Center of Denver discuss the future of mental health